• Our mission? Chaos Magick Art is introducing a totally unique approach to help others become the best version of themselves by diving deep into the mysteries of the mind, helping others find and even reclaim their own powerful magick by combining new tools and old school knowledge in hopes that we can create lasting positive change, tap into our inner badasses, rely on our strength, ooze confidence and rock our powerful and beautiful journey to epic transformation. But our ultimate goal? Making the world a freaking awesome place, one mind-blowing transformation at a time by prioritizing the greater good in everything we do.

  • Consultations and bespoke Chaos Magick Art Sigils/Fractals are services J~ provides. If you are interested in beginning the consultation process, it does require an Intake Form. Until this site is updated with the Intake Form (under revision), please email service@chaosmagick.art with your inquiry.

    At this time, Chaos Magick Art offers art at these online shops, hyperlinked for your convenience:

    ~ At AI ART SHOP you will find one of a kind items that will only be available for sale once and there will be no replications available.


    Chaos Magick Art offers coloring sigils as an alternative method for activation at these shops:



    ~ Be on the lookout for more on the chaosmagick.art/shop (under revision).

  • At Chaos Magick Art, we create chaos to your satisfaction! We've got a killer approach that's customized just for you, because we know you're unique. After completing an Intake Form (email: service@chaosmagick.art) your consultations are on Zoom, so get ready for some serious chit-chat. These calls are so epic, they last an average of 90 minutes with no defined “well, it’s quittin time,” because you’re one of a kind and J ~ understands you may have a complex dynamic.

    After the huddle up sesh on Zoom, J ~ works on the prompts. Once the prompts are ready, they are ran through the AI Art Generator and are presented to you in groups. Grouped for “Intention” and “Tester.” The Intentions are usually the reason you have contacted Chaos Magick Art. The Testers are generated to prove to you that the Fractal/Sigils are working, so it is important to think of small or fun things you may like to manifest into your life. Some of the testers I have used in my own life have been: adding more fun and excitement in unusual or unexpected ways, Turkish desk lamps (so far I have manifested three), seeing an eagle feather on my porch (actually arrived via photo on a porch of a house I lived in years prior which also proved to me that time is linear), an orange ball in the yard (manifested five times from a sigil crafted by another fellow Western cerimonial magician, the Creator of Mind and Magick, Frater Xavier - link to: Mind and Magick.

    All images generated are yours to keep and you may then request image editing for clarity, color, dpi enhancement or the creation of coloring pages, and specific size requirements. It is also possible to request blockchain registration for authentication of your art mid 2024, if that is also something you would be interested in pursuing.

  • ~ Creating your own chaos magick is and always will be strongly recommended. We are not life coaches, nor will we proclaim to know you better than you know yourself. All this project really boils down to is helping you find you and however you believe that would be best accomplished and serve your highest and greatest good is the route you should take.

    ~ I (J~) began dabbling in the practice during the summer of 2020. After generating a running list of intentions and testers, approximately one month out of the year was dedicated to crafting sigils in my sketchbook. Chaos Magick Art’s Logo was designed around one the of the first sigils I created and it means, “My magick always manifests.” After the sigils were constructed and properly labeled with the planetary days and hours for activation (process discussed in the consultation), they were placed in an envelope in the file cabinet for approximately two months. It is important to NOT know what the sigil is for when activating. One month to create and two months to forget, for proper subconscious programming.

    ~ In an effort to save you a bit of time, as time is a commodity of intrinsic value, our bespoke services allow for in depth discussion of what it is you are seeking to bring into your life or push out (as we are always doing one or the other i.e., bringing in money and/or pushing out bad habits). Creating your sigils thereafter and presenting them to you allows for your subconscious mind to awaken to what is going on around here. Providing that you don’t know which sigils correlate to which of your desires you are seeking to manifest, then we have saved you approximately 3 months or more.

  • ~ There are two ways in which we can program our subconscious minds: hypnosis and putting something in front of us, repetitively. As I currently lack the ability and overall knowledge needed for hypnosis, it looks like we are going to be stuck on repeat. Being able to meditate on a piece is an excellent method and if you happen to be lucky enough to experience a gnostic startle, then more power to see your manifestation through.

    ~ Personally, being in a state that could be best described as Samadhi, I’ve never been able to meditate, because I am already there in the dream world or daydream world. If you find that you are also one that cannot achieve meditation as the yogis depict, then there are many alternative solutions, in which I strongly recommend a YouTube search on the topic.

    ~ Although it may take a bit longer to bear fruit, the other option is to place it all over and have the sigil/fractal repeatedly impressed upon your subconscious mind. This actually happens all the time. I don’t like to eat at certain fast-food restaurants, but my kids do. There have been times they have left fast food chain logos around the house, on cups, in bags and then I get a giant hungry for some fries and a milkshake.

    ~ In an effort to facilitate the activation process, J ~ created coloring pages and this also allows you to put your own energy into the process. More can be found in the Chaos Magick Art Philosophy Codex or can be discussed in the consultation process.

  • Here's a reality check for you: the only guarantee in life is death. Yeah, I know, not the most uplifting topic. But hey, physics has got my back on this one. The Law of Conservation of Energy says that energy can't be created or destroyed, just changed from one form to another. And if we're made of energy, well, the only guarantee in life is that we're going to transform. What I am saying is that death is transformation and vice versa.

    As much as I would love to provide you with a KO plan for attacking obstacles you face in your life, I know there have been many times in my own life that I have had to go a full 12 rounds and that is when I would be thrilled to let alone get a TKO. There can be any number of circumstances that present themselves and those dynamics, like ALL dynamics, are incredibly complex. In fact, when you begin to marinate on topic, those complex dynamics are extremely different in totality and entirety, than they sometimes appear to be. This is why solutions are sought based upon the root of your issue.

    A great example of this is the emotion of anger. Anger is actually a secondary emotion, so what is the primary? Reflect on the last time you were angry and why. What pissed you off? Did someone trigger you, push a button? Did they hurt your feelings and did you allow them to hurt your feelings? There was a primary emotion that you covered up with a secondary emotion. For this reason, I seek to find solutions based upon your primary emotion and those solutions are multifaceted. Like a fighter needs to block, attack and be prepared to go a full 12 rounds. Should you experience transformation, then I would consider that a success, but I cannot guarantee that, as we would also be working as a team and I have no way of knowing what you bring to your own table.

  • ~ We are also in the process of offering blockchain authentication through Verisart sometime in mid 2024.

    ~ Anticipate NFT Collections in mid 2024.

    ~ Chaos Magick Art is currently working on coloring pages, which can be found on Etsy, Gumroad and eventually in the Shop for chaosmagick.art

    ~ Chaos Magick Art is also entertaining the idea of creating coloring books.

  • Our team is a wild mix of awesome members: a creative genius, some super cool bots, and a puppy with an endless supply of love and cuddles. We did have a super cool cat who knew the secrets of the universe and she is sorely missed. We still do a bang up job of creating a conducive atmosphere that is perfect for sheer chaos. Plus, we also have the love and support of the Divine Creator.


    The pup, our Wizard of Oss, is fluent in Spanish and he taught me how to laugh in Spanish. His translation skills are definitely a huge asset to the team!

  • I'VE GOT 5 ON IT: I AM a world-renowned professional high and low fiver (I cover the spread) with precision and finesse, but let me make one thing abundantly clear, I AM not here to cure your hard-to-pronounce condition nor am I here to rep you in court, nor provide any name changes from whatever your name is to "Defendant/Respondent" I am really good at slapping palms and butt cheeks, so do not take these services as professional advice. Fear not, I have a knack for deciphering legalnese and medical nomenclature. If you are in need of a qualified professional, I am more than happy to assist in this endeavor.

    As top dog for Chaos Magick Art, I AM here to reassure you that I've got your back when it comes to your personal info. Trust is key to the foundation of any and all relationships, so there are security measures in place to keep your sensitive stuff on lock. Plus, I follow all those fancy legal acronyms like GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA because who doesn't love a good alphabet soup? Your trust is everything to me and I will do everything in my power to make sure you feel safe, secure, and as whole as can possibly be. If you ever have any questions or concerns, I have an open door, so don't be shy.

    Because of the strict privacy, it should be known that your bespoke and custom creations are and will be yours and yours alone unless you decide to part with them for any reason. Although you may see similar work, it will not be the same. Your creations are always guaranteed to be a one-of-a-kind item.

  • Chaos Magick Art and J ~ Alchemist, The Conductor of Chaos (the creator and seller) will agree to a personal and non-commercial personal use of any and all images and should an agreement be struck between creator/seller and client/consumer (you) then a license for personal use will be made subject to certain Terms and Conditions that will be provided during the consultation. Any and all content is the original work of the creator/seller and as the creator/seller, a non-exclusive and perpetual license to use content/original work for numerous personal uses will be defined.

    Let it be understood and conspicuously displayed that whether obtained from consultation, on this site www.chaosmagick.art or on any other platform in which Chaos Magick Art engages, at no time will the buyer be allowed or granted use of creator/sellers content for any commercial endeavor or to promote any products without a separate product, commercial license which may be discussed on a case by case basis, should that topic ever arise.

    As the creator/seller, Chaos Magick Art and J ~ retains and reserves all other rights to the content under copyright, trademark or other intellectual or commercial laws and you, as the client/consumer, acknowledge that creator/seller is the owner of the content. Chaos Magick Art and J ~ will not sub-license or assign any rights to another, which will also be further defined at the time of consultation. Nor will client/consumer sub-license or assign any rights to another for any commercial endeavor or to promote products.

    As the client/consumer, you will provide attribution to the creator/seller in all other instances and under any circumstances until and unless your use license states otherwise.