Tzimtzum ~ Constriction

Picture this, God, The Almighty, looking around at his infinite expanse of everything, wondering how on earth he could make creation happen. How do you make space when you're the embodiment of everything? Do you just push some stuff aside like a hoarder cleaning out their closet? Suddenly, he has an epiphany, a much better solution - Tzimtzum. He withdrew His essence from an area, creating a pocket of space in which the magick of creation could begin. It's like doing a high-intensity workout and creating a calorie deficit, except for God, it's all about black holes, light and dark energy. Genius!

God condenses his infinite essence, creating an opening in which he can begin the process of creation. Who knew making room could be so complicated even for The Almighty? Laughable, really. The concept of tzimtzum has long been a subject of theological debate, and it's no surprise why. The anomaly embedded within it is enough to make anyone's head spin. How can God be both transcendent and immanent at the same time? It's a tricky question, but one that is essential to understanding the nature of existence. Without the restriction of the "Infinite," everything would be overwhelmed by God's totality and nothing could exist. But at the same time, God is not absent from the created world, as He continuously maintains its existence.

It's a conundrum, it's fascinating to contemplate how God can be both beyond creation and intimately present within it simultaneously. Tzimtzum challenges us to explore the complexity of divinity and pushes us to ponder the mysteries of the universe.


Primordial Chaos ~ Olam HaTohu ~ World of Chaos


Shevirat HaKelim ~ The Shattering